UNESCO Creative Cities Network

Best-practice examples, interviews and discussionsabout social, sustainable and smart cities:How do we want to live? And what can we do to make our cities...

Material Loops „Bestand als Materialressource“ / HDA, Graz

14.04.  – 04.07.2021. The Haus der Architektur in Graz is hosting the exhibition "Material Loops", whose creators have addressed the issue of material resources. The...

Rudolf Wäger | A pioneer in Vorarlberg

27.05. – 04.09.2021. The v.a.i., Vorarlberg Architecture Institute, is dedicating an exhibition to Rudolf Wäger. The exhibition is curated by Markus Gohm, Marina Hämmerle, Martina...

Architekturtage 2021 / Österreich

11. – 12.06.2021. From June 2021, the Architekturtage will present itself in a new and expanded form. From now on, Austria's largest public event...

Graz Kulturjahr 2020: Klima-Kultur-Pavillon / Graz

28.04. – 15.08.2021. Rising average temperatures increasingly lead to overheating of urban spaces during summer. Measures and strategies to adapt to climate change play...

Graz Kulturjahr 2020: Im Schatten des Wasserturms / Graz

20.03.2020 – Juli 2021. The WALD residential complex at the Smart City area of Graz stretches between Waagner-Biro-Strasse, Asperngasse, Laudongasse and Daungasse. One of...

Graz Kulturjahr 2020: Club Hybrid / Graz

25.06.2020 – 15.08.2021. Club Hybrid is an open demonstrative building that will be a place for experimentation, display, and discourse in the summer of...

Homo Urbanus – A Citymatographic Odyssey / HDA, Graz

04.03. – 04.04.2021. The HDA in Graz presents the extraordinary work of Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, who are among the most important film...

Die Praxis der Nachverdichtung / Architekturhaus Salzburg

27.01. – 19.03.2021. The Architekturhaus Salzburg is showing an exhibition entitled "The Practice of Redensification - 22 Building Projects in Salzburg". Students of the...

Ausstellungen 2021 / MAK, Wien

2021. MAK Vienna awaits its visitors in 2021 with its usual extensive program:Adolf Loos – private housesOn the occasion of his 150th birthday, the...


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