Architektur.Film.Sommer 2021 / AzW, Wien

04. - 25.08.2021. The Architektur.Fillm.Sommer presents films and new discoveries on the topic of soil consumption in rural and urban areas. The open-air festival invites...

Grazotopia: GrazPlanung / FORUM STADTPARK, Graz

01.07. – 21.07.2021. The city - a place of the future! Utopian thoughts have both something surreal and something very free about them - in any...

Tatiana Bilbao Estudio / AZW, Wien

19.08.21 – 17.01.2022. Carried by poetry: the AZW presents for the first time in Austria the working methods and philosophy of the Mexican architect...

Karl Sillaber and the C4 Architects/ voralbergmuseum, Bregenz

03.07.2021 - 09.01.2022. How exemplary and forward-looking the spirit of optimism of Austrian architecture of the 1960s was is shown by this personale with...

Alfredo Jaar „Das Rote Wien“ / MAK, Wien

09.06. – 05.09.2021. How did the buildings of the interwar period, shaped by the socio-political visions of social democracy, influence Vienna's social life? This...

Place of longing school? / afo, Linz

12.05. – 09.07.2021. Where is the best place to learn? The "longing place school" is examined: The exhibition, which was produced with the participation...

Workroom show: From shop window to knowledge window / Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg

27.02. – 31.10.2021. Knowledge and collaboration in crafts are at the center of the discussion in this exhibition. The idea goes back to a...

The Better Living Challenge in Kapstadt, South-Africa

The Better Living Challenge in Cape Town is a series of design-led projects that aim to improve living and housing conditions in Cape Town,...

Breathe Earth Collective / MAK, Wien

04.05. – 16.05.2021. As part of the exhibition, the principles of climate culture are presented and made visible through drawn visions of a climate-positive...

Architekturtage Salzburg: Where do we learn something?

Homeschooling is not the answer. That much is clear by now. But it is also clear that the digitization of learning environments, which has...


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