Serious Fun: Architektur & Spiele / Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien

17.03. – 05.09.2022. Who participates in a game, becomes part of the game himself! The exhibition "Serious Fun" at the Architekturzentrum Wien presents architectural games and...

Territorial Turn: Plädoyer für einen Paradigmenwechsel im Städtebau / HdA – Haus der Architektur,...

03.02. – 03.04.2022. Urban space - living space! The exhibition Territorial Turn, developed by the Institute of Urban Planning at the Graz University of Technology, describes...

Hot Questions – Cold Storage / Az W – Architekturzentum Wien

Ab 03.02.2022. The new show collection of the Architekturzentrum Wien provides insights into the most important and comprehensive collection on Austrian architecture of the 20th...

ARCHDIPLOMA 2021 / Az W – Architekturzentrum, Wien

13.12.2021 – 10.01.2022. A repository of ideas! In the Az W - Architekturzentrum Wien, around 90 diploma theses of the upcoming generation of architects are presented...

HdA online / Graz

Under the title HDAheim, the House of Architecture in Graz now regularly offers a virtual program with food for thought, reading tips and previously...

Kühne, Schulte, Gegenwart / afo – architekturforum oberösterreich, Linz

19.11.2021 – 18.02.2022. Curt Kühne and Julius Schulte plan social Linz (1909-38). In a period of less than 20 years, Curt Kühne as city planning director...

Josef Hoffmann: Fortschritt durch Schönheit / MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien

15.12.2021 – 19.06.2022. Design goes right down to the last detail! In a comprehensive retrospective, the Vienna Museum of Applied Arts shows the enormous life's work...

Pandemic Waste: Der pandemische Abfall / Initiative Architektur, Salzburg

18.11.2021 – 28.01.2022. What a waste! Bazon Brock already noted that one can read the status of a society by its waste. But this is completely...

Architecture Tour: Discover Architecture in Linz

12. bis 14. November 2021 und 28. bis 30. Jänner 2022. Linz has changed a lot, especially in recent times, and has established itself as...

Miriam Prantl : Farben/Lichter/See / vorarlbergmuseum

Seit Dezember 2020. Guided by the light! The Vorarlberg artist Miriam Prantl has created the light installation "Colors/Lights/Lake" for the stairwell of the vorarlbergmuseum. The installation...


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