Europas beste Bauten. Mies van der Rohe Award 22 / Wien

06.10. 2022 – 23.01. 2023 Every two years, the Architekturzentrum Wien presents a selection from the nominations for the EU Mies van der Rohe Award,...

Mehr als gewohnt / Vorarlberg

30.09. 2022 – 14.01. 2023 Housing is a basic need. How can today’s residential buildings give this need a social and aesthetic added value that...

Metabolism of the city / Linz

23.09. 2022 – 27.01. 2023 That gives you a deep insight: The exhibition “City Metabolism” deals with the increasingly confusing underground of our cities: district...

Meta Space – Raumvisionen / Linz

01.09. 2022 – 08.01. 2023 Escapism is rather popular these days. Whether with utopias for the possible conquest of the universe or the virtualization of...

MISSING LINK – Strategies for Architecture / MAK Vienna

11.05. – 02.10. 2022 Avant-garde border junction between art and architecture: the group of architects “Missing Link” researched the missing connections between men and architecture...

Measuring Space – Anne Griswold Tyng / Akademie Graz

24.06. - 26.08.2022 What influence do the essential ordering principles of geometry have on the architectural design of spaces? The architect and architectural theorist Anne Griswold Tyng (1920...

Architecture Days – Finals / Austria

09.06 – 11.06.2022 Educational spaces of the future at the Architecture Days. "Architecture and Education: Living, Learning, Space" is the motto of the architecture day programme,...

Laurids Ortner & Manfred Ortner: bis übermorgen / Francisco Carolinum, Linz

07.04. – 07.08.2022. From Haus-Rucker-Co to O&O Baukunst! This retrospective is dedicated to the work of the brothers Laurids and Manfred Ortner.As Haus-Rucker-Co, together with Günter...

Educational Shock: Learning, Politics, and Architecture in the 1960s and 1970s. / vai –...

05.03. – 25.06.2022. Research and education in shock drive! On October 4, 1957, Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite, orbited the Earth. The Soviet Union's triumph...

Culture is the overcoming of barbarism

Law, and in particular international law, is a cultural achievement of mankind. It creates the foundation on which people have the possibility, at least in...


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