03.05.2024 – 26.05.2024 Teachers and students from the Institute of Design & Communication at FH Joanneum Graz have worked together with the residents of Oberzeiring...

EUROPAN17 / HDA – Haus der Architektur, Graz

11.04.2024 – 21.04.2024 EUROPAN is Europe's largest competition for architecture and urbanism for architects, urban and landscape planners under the age of 40. It offers...

Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky: Pioneering Architect. Visionary Activist / Austrian Cultural Forum New York, USA

12.03.2024 – 05.05.2024 Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky is considered one of Austria's first female architects, the inventor of the Frankfurt kitchen, a women's rights activist and a...

Hermann Czech – Approximate main direction / fjk3 – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Vienna

15.03.2024 – 09.06.2024 Hermann Czech is one of Austria's most renowned architects. His built work ranges from urban planning, private houses, flat conversions, cafés and...

The Viennese model of social housing / Kulturforum Laibach

29.02.2024 – 12.04.2024 An important cornerstone of social housing in Vienna is formed by around 220,000 municipal and around 200,000 subsidised flats. Around 50 per...

About tourism / Architekturzentrum Wien

21.03.2024 – 09.09.2024 Foreign countries. Customs and traditions; simply exploring new climes - more and more people are travelling more often, further and for shorter...

Festival of Architecture TURN ON 2024 / Das MuTh in Wien

23.02.2024 – 24.02.2024 The topic of "turning point", which was the focus of the last festival, remains virulent. And yet key problems from the previous...


14.02.2024 — 25.08.2024 Protests have been attracting increasing attention - and popularity - in recent years in particular. In co-operation with the German Architecture Museum...

BHP’23 UNTERWEGS im HDA – Clients and architects create building culture / HDA –...

08.02.2024 – 24.03.2024 The Bauherrenpreis was awarded for the first time in 1967. In a synopsis spanning six decades, the results of nominated and award-winning...

Frauen Bauen Stadt – The City Through a Female Lens / afo – architekturforum...

08.02.2024 – 22.03.2024 Around 2.5 billion women will be living and working in cities by 2030 - in cities that were planned and built by...


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