Architekturtage 2021 / Österreich

11. – 12.06.2021. From June 2021, the Architekturtage will present itself in a new and expanded form. From now on, Austria's largest public event...

„All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa. The Invention of a City“ / Jewish Museum Hohenems

07.04.2019 – 06.10.2019; Vorarlberg. From the suburb of Jaffa to the party metropolis in the conflict zone. All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa looks behind the scenes...

Graz: Architectural City Reloaded

Graz is probably counted among the cities with the largest density of architects – and for good reason. Graz has a luxury problem. Hardly any...

Workroom show: From shop window to knowledge window / Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg

27.02. – 31.10.2021. Knowledge and collaboration in crafts are at the center of the discussion in this exhibition. The idea goes back to a...

Redesigning Salzburg

The only thing Salzburg has to offer is baroque architecture? Wrong! “Neue Mitte Lehen” is only one of numerous architectural projects, which have been...

“SOS Brutalismus” / Architekturzentrum Wien

03.05. - 06.08.2018; Wien. Save the Concrete Monsters! Are they really that ugly? “Basically, the history of Brutalism is one big misunderstanding.”, says Sonja Pisarik, one...

Territorial Turn: Plädoyer für einen Paradigmenwechsel im Städtebau / HdA – Haus der Architektur,...

03.02. – 03.04.2022. Urban space - living space! The exhibition Territorial Turn, developed by the Institute of Urban Planning at the Graz University of Technology, describes...

BEST OF AUSTRIAN DESIGN 2024 / Designforum, Vienna

until 07.07.2024 The State Prize for Design is awarded every two years by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs. In the 50th edition,...


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