„Handbook of Tyranny“ / Haus der Architektur, Graz

06.03.2019 - 26.04.2019; Graz Architecture taking liberty. Based on the book of the same name by the Salzburg architect Theo Deutinger, the exhibition shows where...

“Not At All Baroque” / Salzburg

An architectural train is moving through Salzburg A number of internationally acclaimed architectural projects have been carried out in Salzburg-based Bahnhofsviertel in recent years. One...

“Who was 1968?” / NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz und Lentos

28.09.2018 – 24.02.2019; Linz. World restructuring at Berger Mami. The awakening post 1968 brought long term changes to Linz The exhibitions at two museums in Linz,...

“Opening Architekturhaus” / Initiative Architektur Salzburg 2018

22.09.2018; Salzburg. Building culture gets a home in Salzburg. The Initiative Architektur Salzburg is getting a House of Architecture in the Sinnhubstrasse. A big step for...

“Stand Ort Wechsel – Häuser im Wandel” / Traklhaus Salzburg

21.9. – 10.11.2018; Salzburg. Time grinds slowly and forms out of all new old. Doing so it leaves traces that pave the way for a new...

“Europe’s best Buildings” / Architekturzentrum Wien

23.08. – 22.10.2018; Vienna. For the first time, housing developments are the focus of the European Union Prize for Contemporary. The Mies van der Rohe Award...

Vorarlberg at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 / Venice | Dornbirn

24.05. – 25.11.2018/24.05. – 25.11.2018; Venice/Dornbirn. Thoughts Form Matter. On the necessity of beauty. Verena Konrad, head of the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut, touches on a sore...

“Summer of Architecture” / Graz 2018

08.06. - -30.09.2018 Conquering free spaces. Grassroots movement: Summer of Architecture Graz is taking over the town. A street lab for civil courage, live-in laboratories, parking spaces converted...

“SOS Brutalismus” / Architekturzentrum Wien

03.05. - 06.08.2018; Wien. Save the Concrete Monsters! Are they really that ugly? “Basically, the history of Brutalism is one big misunderstanding.”, says Sonja Pisarik, one...

“falkeis2architects” / MAK; Wien

06.06. - 29.07.2018; Wien. active energy building. falkeis2architects consider innovation the best strategy to meet the challenges of time. Their prototype of a new, urban, decentralised...


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