Die Praxis der Nachverdichtung / Architekturhaus Salzburg

27.01. – 19.03.2021. The Architekturhaus Salzburg is showing an exhibition entitled "The Practice of Redensification - 22 Building Projects in Salzburg". Students of the...

Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg / VAI, Vorarlberg

03.10.2020 – 09.01.2021. In Vorarlberg, the "Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg" was awarded and the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut presents all submissions in an exhibition....

Vorarlberg at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 / Venice | Dornbirn

24.05. – 25.11.2018/24.05. – 25.11.2018; Venice/Dornbirn. Thoughts Form Matter. On the necessity of beauty. Verena Konrad, head of the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut, touches on a sore...

“Critical Care” / Architecture Centre Vienna

25.04. - 09.09.2019; Vienna How architecture and urbanism can fix the future. Our planet is broken. In times of climate change, capital-driven architecture and social and...

Architekturtage Salzburg: Where do we learn something?

Homeschooling is not the answer. That much is clear by now. But it is also clear that the digitization of learning environments, which has...

Europas beste Bauten. Mies van der Rohe Award 22 / Wien

06.10. 2022 – 23.01. 2023 Every two years, the Architekturzentrum Wien presents a selection from the nominations for the EU Mies van der Rohe Award,...
Plamen Dejanoff, Foundation Requirements (Collaborations), 2015, © Plamen Dejanoff & Wolfgang Thaler, Foto: Wolfgang Thaler, Courtesy Layr Wien

Plamen Dejanoff – Heritage Project / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria

8.6. - 27.8.2023 Plamen Dejanoff's solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz shows new works, precisely researched in terms of craftsmanship, which investigate a common European...

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 24 / various locations, Vienna

20.09.2024 – 29.09.2024 Since its foundation, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has established itself as an integral part of the Viennese design landscape. Each year, a...

“Getting Things done” / Museum Vorarlberg

16.03.2019 - 05.05.2019 The exhibition gives an overview about the Vorarlberg building school's development, from beginning to present. The travelling exhibition about architecture and craftmanship in...

The Viennese model of social housing / Kulturforum Laibach

29.02.2024 – 12.04.2024 An important cornerstone of social housing in Vienna is formed by around 220,000 municipal and around 200,000 subsidised flats. Around 50 per...


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