“Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist. Liebe Grüße aus Graz von...
21.09.2019 - 08.11.2019; Graz.
The Florentine collective Superstudio send their greetings with a memory of socially critical architecture.
The architect and artist group Superstudio, founded in...
“Lacaton & Vassal – Inhabiting” / Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
15.05.2019 - 05.10.2019; Vorarlberg
Pleasure and luxury for everyone. The French architects Lacaton & Vassal create more for less.
The architects Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal...
“Vienna Biennale 2019” / Vienna
29.05.2019 - 06.10.2019; Vienna
Brave new values. Vienna Biennale explores the digital future between utopias and dystopias.
In the next years artificial intelligence will change our...
“Zukunftsland” / Architekturforum Oberösterreich, Linz
5.05.2019 - 06.07.2019; Linz
Perspectives and best practice examples: The afo takes a look at rural regions and the challenges they face.
What factors determine the...
“Architecture Days 2019” / Vienna
24.05.2019 - 25.05.2019; Vienna
Spaces that create climate. The Architecture Days raise awareness of sustainable design.
Themed "Room makes Climate", the anniversary edition of the Architecture...
„All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa. The Invention of a City“ / Jewish Museum Hohenems
07.04.2019 – 06.10.2019; Vorarlberg.
From the suburb of Jaffa to the party metropolis in the conflict zone. All About Tel Aviv-Jaffa looks behind the scenes...
“Critical Care” / Architecture Centre Vienna
25.04. - 09.09.2019; Vienna
How architecture and urbanism can fix the future.
Our planet is broken. In times of climate change, capital-driven architecture and social and...
“The Red Vienna” / Vienna Museum, Vienna
30.04.2019 - 19.01.2020; Vienna
Social buildings, public baths and nursery schools. The Red Vienna after 1919, reconstruction, new constructs, projects to make life valuable. Workers...
“Rural Moves – The Songyang Story” / Architekturzentrum, Wien
14.03.2019 - 23.04.2019
Rural exodus in China and its dramatic consequences. The Beijing architect Xu Tiantian presents the architectural solution from the Songyang region and...
“Getting Things done” / Museum Vorarlberg
16.03.2019 - 05.05.2019
The exhibition gives an overview about the Vorarlberg building school's development, from beginning to present.
The travelling exhibition about architecture and craftmanship in...