Metabolism of the city / Linz

23.09. 2022 – 27.01. 2023 That gives you a deep insight: The exhibition “City Metabolism” deals with the increasingly confusing underground of our cities: district...

“Days of Architecture” / Salzburg 2018

08.06. – 09.06.2018; Salzburg. The future is better than its reputation. Open studios, houses and construction sites throughout Salzburg can be visited online via live streaming....

“Opening Architekturhaus” / Initiative Architektur Salzburg 2018

22.09.2018; Salzburg. Building culture gets a home in Salzburg. The Initiative Architektur Salzburg is getting a House of Architecture in the Sinnhubstrasse. A big step for...
Installationsansicht Kunstraum Dornbirn, © Günter Richard Wett

Here an Now. Vienna Sculpture 2022 / Kunstraum Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

18.11.2022 – 12.2.2023 The group exhibition shows sculptures, fine arts, wall objects and installations by international artists living and working in Vienna, both in their...

About tourism / Architekturzentrum Wien

21.03.2024 – 09.09.2024 Foreign countries. Customs and traditions; simply exploring new climes - more and more people are travelling more often, further and for shorter...

Meta Space – Raumvisionen / Linz

01.09. 2022 – 08.01. 2023 Escapism is rather popular these days. Whether with utopias for the possible conquest of the universe or the virtualization of...

“The Caramel Architects”

The Caramel Architects have won a large number of awards. Between designing family homes and working on larger projects they keep dedicating some of...

Das architektonische Werk Ferdinand Schusters / HDA Graz

02.07. - 14.08.2020 Ferdinand Schuster and his architectural work are the focus of an exhibition in the Haus der Architektur in Graz, which opens on...

vai Vorarlberg Architecture Institut – Exhibition “A generation dialogue” Online

The Vorarlberg Architektur Institut looks into the future of the past.  Time and space to think. This is what the exhibition “Vorarlberg - Ein Generationendialog”...

Graz: Architectural City Reloaded

Graz is probably counted among the cities with the largest density of architects – and for good reason. Graz has a luxury problem. Hardly any...


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