„Europas beste Bauten“ Mies van der Rohe Award / AzW, Wien

30.07. - 12.10.2020. An exhibition entitled "Europas beste Bauten", which focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe, starts on 30.07. at the Architekturzentrum AzW...

Das architektonische Werk Ferdinand Schusters / HDA Graz

02.07. - 14.08.2020 Ferdinand Schuster and his architectural work are the focus of an exhibition in the Haus der Architektur in Graz, which opens on...

Bauherrinnenpreis 2019 / Haus der Architektur Graz

19.05. until 12.06.2020. On 19.05. the exhibition will be reopened at the HDA Graz for the BauherrInnenpreis 2019. Since 1967 the Central Association of...

“Gebaut für Alle” / Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz

19.11.2021 - 18.04.2022 The architectural work of Curt Kühne and Julius Schulte is the focus of an exhibition at the Nordico Stadtmuseum. Curt Kühne,...

vai Vorarlberg Architecture Institut – Exhibition “A generation dialogue” Online

The Vorarlberg Architektur Institut looks into the future of the past.  Time and space to think. This is what the exhibition “Vorarlberg - Ein Generationendialog”...

“BUS:STOP” / Krumbach, Vorarlberg

Creative bus stops in Krumbach in Vorarlberg. We will also await better times - for example in the "Buswartehüsle" in Krumbach. Architects from seven different...

“Balkrishna Doshi” / AzW, Wien

Reopening 29.05. until 29.06.2020, Vienna. AzW shows Balkrishna Doshi - a humanistic architecture for humans. Balkrishna Doshi (*1927, Pune, India) is a Pritzker Prize winner, architect,...

“Graz Cultural Year 2020”

23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020; Graz. How we want to live: The Graz Cultural Year 2020 gazes into the "Urban Future" The motto of Graz 2020 is "How...

“Alfred Seiland – Imperium Romanum” / Bregenz

07.12.2019 - 16.02.2020; Vorarlberg. What remained of the once powerful Roman Empire? The Austrian photo artist Alfred Seiland (born 1952) deals with this question in his...

“River in Transition | Studio DAHD Exhibition” / Kulturquartier Linz

06.11.2019 - 26.11.2019; Linz. About the Danube's hidden cultural heritage! Linz is the last stop on this touring exhibition through four Danube states. 21 students from the...


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