CountryTalks – Online Discussion Series /HDA, Graz
03.11.2020. The exhibition "CountryLife – Recent strategies for tomorrow’s rural living" is accompanied by the CountryTalks.
People are migrating from rural areas to the cities,...
UNESCO City of Design Annual Conference 2020
05.10. - 07.10.2020. Paneldiscussions on the social, smart and sustainable design of future cities.
The rapid growth of cities has confronted them with similar challenges...
Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg / VAI, Vorarlberg
03.10.2020 – 09.01.2021.
In Vorarlberg, the "Bauherren Preis der Hypo Vorarlberg" was awarded and the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut presents all submissions in an exhibition....
Graz Museum Schlossberg / Graz
Opening 12. and 13.09.2020.
Graz has a new museum: on 12 and 13 September the Graz Museum Schlossberg will open its doors. In doing so,...
Adolf Loos „Nachleben“ / AzW, Wien
03. – 30.09.2020.
The AzW in Vienna presents an exhibition that examines the impact of Adolf Loos' work on future generations. Starting with a found...
Libelle / MQ Wien
From 04.09.2020. The dragonfly has landed: the roof of the Leopold Museum is opened. From the 04. September you can visit the roof, a...
Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 / AzW, Wien
05., 12., 19. und 26.08.2020.
The Architecture Summer Film Festival in the courtyard of the Azw is dedicated to architecture in film. The theme "Built...
„LandLeben“ / Haus der Architektur Graz
17.09. - 17.01.2020The House of Architecture in Graz is showing an exhibition entitled "LandLeben". The increasing migration from rural areas to the cities is...
Sommerfrische Eröffnung mit Silke Brösskamp & Ivan Juarez / afo, Linz
On 11.07.2020 the afo Linz opens the installation of the artist-in-residence artist Silke Brösskamp at the Linz Grünmarkt in Urfahr. Afterwards you can join...
Richard Neutra „Wohnhäuser in Kalifornien“ / Wien Museum
13.02. - 20.09.2020.Richard Neutra is the subject of an exhibition at the Wien Museum, which can be seen until 20.09.2020. On show are Neutra's...