The Open House – Haus Schwarz in Weiz / Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Styria

19.01.2025 – 31.01.20252024 marks the tenth anniversary of Hannes Schwarz's death, and 2026 would be the 100th anniversary of his birth. These two commemorative...

100 years of flexible light / Designforum, Vienna

until 23.02.2025As early as 1919, engineer Curt Fischer developed movable, freely positionable work lights, for which he created the Midgard brand. His patent was...

Austrian Building Owner Award 2024 / Ausstellungszentrum im Ringturm, Vienna

04.12.2024 – 07.03.2025It is considered the Oscar of the construction industry: the Austrian Builder-Owner Award. The award, which was first presented in 1967, is...

POWER/ vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut

until 25.01.2025 The exhibition highlights the interaction of geopolitics, political institutions and movements with the planning work in architecture, engineering and landscape design for the...

FROM MASS TAPE TO THREAD – borderline precision for more than 100 years /...

13.11.2024 – 29.06.2025 Ever since mankind became sedentary, spatial information has been recorded and boundaries documented. Initially, angles and distances were determined from fixed points...

POESIE DES ORNAMENTS – The Backhausen Archive / Leopold Museum, Vienna

13.11.2024 – 09.03.2025 Joh. Backhausen & Söhne - founded in 1849 - is one of the most traditional furniture and decorative fabric manufacturers in Viennese...

CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA 2024 / Graz, various locations

11.10.2024 – 19.10.2024 CREATIVE WEEK AUSTRIA has set itself the goal of focussing on the diversity of the creative industries and the services they offer....

Utilizing vacancies! – Opportunities for activating vacant properties in Vienna / AzW, Vienna

23.10.2024 – 27.11.2024 On three themed evenings, the series of events at WEST, Alte WU, will be dedicated to vacancies in residential buildings, ground floor...

‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’, Dornbirn, various locations

11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 In today's world, it is more important than ever to deal with sustainability, resource conservation, etc. As part of Creative Week Austria,...

‘How’s it going, old people? – Creating spaces for the future together’/ afo –...

09.10.2024 – 13.12.2024 Housing is a basic need. Changes to the living situation due to external or age-related circumstances often become a challenge. Apart from...


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