“FM4 Soundpark – Plattform für neue Musik aus Österreich”

A place for homegrown music. The FM4 Soundpark presents the latest of the homegrown music scene. The FM4 Soundpark is a platform for music from...
c CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=398805

Mozarteum Salzburg #kleinepausemozart online

With #kleinePauseMozart the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg reports daily online at 11 am from the diverse Mozart cosmos. The team of the Mozarteum Foundation is transferring...

New Austrian Sound of Music 2020/21

The New Austrian Sound of Music presents aspiring Austrian music ensembles that encourage for the future. Young sound from Austria: The New Austrian Sound of...

Quarta 4 Countries Youth Philharmonic online / Vorarlberg

Youth to the instruments. The Quarta 4 Länder Jugendphilharmonie offers six concert recordings on its website for listening. Beethoven with the Triple Concerto and the...

“Homestage Festival – Digital Festival with Crowdfunding campaign” / Online

From 27th to 29th of March 2020, the Homestage Festival will take place, a purely digital festival that will be held exclusively online. For...

“ORF Radiokulturhaus Videostreams” / Online

Radiokulturhaus comes home: the ORF Radiokulturhaus Videostreams. All events in the Radiokulturhaus had to be cancelled due to the legal regulations concerning the corona virus....


CREATIVE AUSTRIA presents in its Playlist those bands of The New Austrian Sound of Music – in short NASOM 2020/2021, who are available on SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.com/user-864478074/sets/creative-austria-playlist The 25...

“Nino aus Wien – Live from the living room” / You Tube Live

Live from the living room: The Nino from Vienna, You Tube Live concert, today from 20.00pm The Nino from Vienna - a singer-songwriter and literary...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2020

03.02.2020 - 29.02.2020; Feldkirch. Montforter Zwischentöne about losing oneself, in the world and in music. Funerals, competitions and meditations: The first edition of the Montforter Zwischentöne(eng. nuances)...

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