This Human World / online edition

online 03.12 until 13.12.2020. The film festival "This Human World" - the 13th edition of the International Human Rights Film Festival, takes place online this...

Ethnocineca Online Filmfestival / Online

07.05. until 14.05.2020. This year the Ethnocineca Festival will take place online for a special reason: from 07 May to 14 May 8 films...

Cinema World Vienna digital / Vienna

The world of cinema in Vienna. The almost 125-year history of cinemas in Vienna is presented in the new exhibition of the Filmarchiv Austria in...
c Heretic Outreach

CROSSING EUROPE Filmfestival / Linz – Extracts Online

The crossing europe Film Festival Linz overcomes online also closed borders. „That would have been it!”: Christine Dollhofer, director of the CROSSING EUROPE Film Festival in...

“Cinema Next – Watch austrian short films online”

Cinema Next makes its short film programme from 2019 available for free streaming at the KINO VOD CLUB. Cinema Next, the platform for young cinema...

salzburg:film:edition online

The online portal of the Salzburg film scene with numerous films on demand. On the platform salzburg:film:edition the showcase of the independent Salzburg film scene...

VOD Club Streaming Portal

No less than the streaming portal of the Austrian arthouse cinema. The VOD Club is nothing less than the streaming portal of the Austrian arthouse...

“My Darling Quarantine” / Online Short Film Festival

starting 16.03.2020 ONLINE SHORT FILM FESTIVAL "MY DARLING QUARANTINE" In cooperation with other film festivals and festival programmers from Cannes, Venice, Locarno and Berlin, the VIS...

DIAGONALE 2020 Graz – Online Film Festival

The Graz film festival DIAGONALE in online quarantine. „The unfinished”, that’s how Sebastian Höglinger and Peter Schernhuber call this year’s edition of DIAGONALE film festival....

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