“Performance Homework” / Kunsthaus Graz

In the context of an online exhibition the Kunsthaus Graz shows "Performance Homework" by Michikazu Matsune. Since the current situation makes art enjoyment limited...

“Ars Electronica Home Delivery” / Online

Ars Electronica is not going to miss the opportunity to play for its audience at home: With Ars Electronica Home Delivery, the Linz Avantgarde...

Anniversary Stream / Kosmos Theater, Wien

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Kosmos Theater will show its 10th anniversary film from 2010 online on 14 May 2020. Important...

Nesterval “The Kreisky Test” online / Brut Wien

The performance group Nesterval has unceremoniously moved its last piece to the Internet. Via zoom, the viewer can take part in the mysterious story...

Sophie Thun “Stolberggasse” / Secession, Wien

A current exhibition at the Secession Vienna takes place digitally on the Secession website. A livestream shows a darkroom, which the artist has set...

Weltmuseum from Home / Weltmuseum, Wien

The still relatively young world museum not only shows its considerable collection online, but has a lot more to offer. On the website you...

Nordico online / Nordico Stadtmuseum, Linz

The Stadtmuseum Nordico in Linz convinces with a compact online offer. On the museum's homepage you can find information about the Corona collection project...

“The Cindy Sherman Effect” / Kunstforum Wien

On the occasion of the Cindy Sherman exhibition at Kunstforum Wien a video podcast has been created. Identity in the broadest sense is the...

“The Art of Painting” online / KHM, Wien

The Jan Vermeer exhibition in the Kunsthistorisches Museum can now be experienced digitally, at least in part. The portrait "The Art of Painting" illustrates...

Haus des Meeres Livestream / Haus des Meeres, Wien

It is not for nothing that the Haus des Meeres is so popular with families with children. The museum in the 6th district of...

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