Call for Entries „#JapanRevisited202x: then – now – after“ / Kulturforum Tokio

Until 15.08.2020. The Cultural Forum Tokyo presents #JapanRevisited202x: then - now - after", a Call for Entries, which is open until 15.08.2020. The Austrian Cultural...

Daniel Richter “So Long Daddy” / Villa Kast, Salzburg

06.06. until 18.07.2020 An exhibition entitled "So Long Daddy" at the Villa Kast in Salzburg is dedicated to the artist Daniel Richter, with new paintings...

Videoproject from honey&bunny / Online

To mark the annual focus on environment and sustainability, the Austrian Cultural Forum (ÖKF) London presents a critical examination of the theme of food...

Young at Art Award / Francisco Carolinum Linz online

The Young Art Award 2019 now culminates in an online exhibition on the Francisco Carolinum website. The competition for children and young people will...

Virtuelle Ausstellungen / Künstlerhaus Bregenz

15.05. until 21./30.06.2020. The Künstlerhaus Bregenz focuses on virtual exhibitions and shows four exhibitions exclusively online on its website. "From the Roots" shows works by...

Soho in Ottakring / Online

06.06. until 20.06.2020. Soho in Ottakring will be online this year from 06 to 20 June 2020, and this year's "Ottakring" will focus...

Art Aid / Online

Artists in particular are suffering from the current crisis. The Viennese design studio Identity Lab did not want to come to terms with this...

Mitmachen bei der Kunst Challenge #dubistkunst

ORF Culture and leading Austrian museums are calling for an Art Challenge: under the #dubist Art, anyone who wants to take part can "reenact"...

Tanzhouse Onlineproduktionsarbeiten / Salzburg

The choreographer Editta Braun has developed her own method of dealing artistically with the isolation crisis. By means of online rehearsal work, joint improvisation...

Edith Tudor-Hart / Fotohof Archiv Salzburg

The Fotohof-Archive shows works of the British-Austrian photographer Edith Tudor-Hart. Due to the current situation, the works can only be seen online, but in...

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