Lentos Digital / Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz

The short-term closure of the Lentos Kunstmuseum does not diminish the visit to the museum, because the digital offer is great.https://www.lentos.at/programm/lentos-digital The 3D tour of...

The digital Museum / Technisches Museum, Vienna

The Technical Museum in Vienna has a wide range of digital and virtual access to the collection and the museum with different aspects. Knowledge: In the...

Österreichs Handlungsoptionen zur Umsetzung der UN-Agenda 2030 für eine lebenswerte Zukunft / Universität für...

02.12.2021. Over the past 3 years, the Uninetz project has developed around 150 options for action and over 1000 measures for implementing the 2030 Agenda...

Online curator tour through the exhibition “Günter Brus und Alfons Schilling um 1960” /...

02.12.2021. Roman Grabner leads via Zoom conference through the current exhibition "Günter Brus and Alfons Schilling around 1960". The Zoom link can be found on the...

GrazMuseum digital / Online

Das virtuelle Angebot das GrazMuseu The virtual offer of the GrazMuseum sees the digital as an integrative part of the archive and museum work and...

hdgoe Online / Haus der Geschichte Österreich, Wien

The House of Austrian History offers a comprehensive range of web exhibitions on its homepage. These include a 3D tour of the museum and...

KHM online / Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna offers a comprehensive online service! https://www.khm.at/entdecken/digitales-museum/ In the online collection, works and treasures of the museum can be discovered.https://www.khm.at/objektdb/ The Titian Room...

subnet / Online

The Salzburg platform for media art and experimental technologies - is dedicated to promoting artistic and cultural engagement in and with digital technologies and...

HdA online / Graz

Under the title HDAheim, the House of Architecture in Graz now regularly offers a virtual program with food for thought, reading tips and previously...

Digital Exhibitions at the vorarlbergmuseum / Online

Online You can always go to the museum! The Vorarlberg Museum has made provisions - be it the collection or insights into life in Vorarlberg yesterday...

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