21.03.2025 – 25.04.2025
The Schauraum offers students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna a platform to present their work in changing exhibitions in a public space. Under the series title DRAWING RELATIONS, the room 2025 is curated by Simon Goritschnig and Anya Triestram from the Drawing and Printmaking Department. In symbiofantasies, living beings mingle and grow together. Animals, insects, plants, cells and bacteria combine and organize their evolution not through competition but through cooperation. Inspired by the idea that life has evolved through symbiosis, we create a space in which the most diverse life forms can meet. Through sculptures, drawings and poems, we explore how they merge, interact and form something unexpected. The known and the unknown intertwine and search for new connections.
DRAWING RELATIONS – symbiofantasies
21.03.2025 – 25.04.2025
MQ Angewandte Schauraum
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna