Never final! – The museum in transition / mumok, Vienna

Don Eddy O.T. (Volkswagen), 1971 125.3 x 168.5 x 5 cm Acryl auf Leinwand © Don Eddy

28.03.2025 – 12.04.2026

The exhibition Never final! The Museum in Transition is part of a series of presentations that analyse the museum’s collection policy since its foundation and make it accessible to a broad public. Following exhibitions on the founding director Werner Hofmann (1962 to 1969) and the era of Alfred Schmeller (1969 to 1979), the current exhibition is now dedicated to the directorship of Dieter Ronte (1979 to 1989). Exemplary insights into the heterogeneity of the collection expansions are juxtaposed with the cultural-political parameters and programmatic decisions of this decade. It was precisely during this period that the foundations were laid for collaborations with collectors, that the museum was active in socio-political matters and that strategic acquisitions were made in preparation for the focal points of the collection in the following decades.

Never final! – The museum in transition
28.03.2025 – 12.04.2026
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna