Größtenteils abgebaut – Mostly Mined Out / rotor – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Graz, Styria

© Andrii Dostliev und Lia Dostlieva, aus „An unduly restrictive view of salvation (Vinnytsia Limbo)“, 2019

07.03.2025 – 24.05.2025

Our prosperity, our progress, the industrial economy – they are all largely based on the extraction of valuable minerals, ores and fossil fuels. These resources have always been closely linked to the country in which they are found, and progressive capitalism carts them around the globe. Right up to the present day, people and their ideas have become the main driving forces of the economy and, in a certain sense, a natural resource. The exhibition, curated by Nastia Khlestova & Maksym Khodak, explores the lives and experiences of Ukrainians changed by war-induced migration. A paradox emerges in connection with movement. While the artists speak of a change of location, they are also concerned with the rigidity of being displaced.

Participating artists: Yehor Antsyhin • Lia Dostlieva & Andrii Dostliev • Diana Fedoriaka • Vira Hanzha • Lucy Ivanova • Pavlo Kerestey • Alina Kleytman • Anastasiia Leliuk • Kateryna Lysovenko • Oleh Perkowsky • Stanislava Pinchuk • Vova Vorotniov

Größtenteils abgebaut – Mostly Mined Out
07.03.2025 – 24.05.2025
<rotor> – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Volksgartenstraße 6a
8020 Graz, Styria