Maria Hahnenkamp / Belvedere 21, Vienna

Foto: Johannes Stoll / Belvedere, Wien © Bildrecht, Wien 2024

21.03.2025 – 31.08.2025

Born in Burgenland, Hahnenkamp has been working with, through, about and also against the medium of photography and its specific dispositives since the late 1980s. As an artist’s artist, she has been known for decades for her media-critical and feminist artistic work and is a formative protagonist in Austrian contemporary art history. The Belvedere 21 is dedicating its first major institutional solo exhibition to Maria Hahnenkamp in spring 2025. The central themes of the exhibition, curated by Stefanie Reisinger, are emptiness, space, craftsmanship and ornament. With a selection of around 100 works, she is showing photographs, works with photographic paper, slide projections, video works, installations and in-situ wall drillings in an architecture by Walter Kräutler.

Maria Hahnenkamp
21.03.2025 – 31.08.2025
Belvedere 21
Arsensalstraße 1
1030 Vienna