ALEXANDRA BAUMGARTNER | Their Ghosts / Bildraum 01, Vienna

Alexandra Baumgartner | Disorder, 2025, Nähgarn auf Fine Art Pigmentprint, 100x70cm, Foto: Geo Reisinger | © Bildrecht, Wien 2025

19.03.2025 – 30.04.2025

In the current exhibition, Alexandra Baumgartner embarks on a search for the hidden – for that which is vaguely perceptible and difficult to grasp. Her medially multi-layered works revolve around fragments of an existence that oscillates between concealment and revelation. The human being remains absent, replaced by sculptural images. The artist works with juxtapositions, mirroring and doubling: In Echo, a mirrored bust is seemingly inseparable from itself. Introspection plays with reflections in which the viewer and the image permeate each other, threatening to dissolve the boundaries between them. Each depiction is part of a silent communication between form, space and meaning and also revolves strongly around the theme of relationship and placing things in relation to one another. Just as the picture captures the gaze, the gaze captures the picture. Everything is linked – parallels and opposites – in the juxtaposition of inside and outside, of order and chaos. Thus, in the title work Their Ghosts, no mere absences emerge, but a confrontation with the real ghosts of inner states – fears, compulsions and the unconscious ties that guide and torment us and can also spread to our fellow human beings.

19.03.2025 – 30.04.2025
Bildraum 01
Strauchgasse 2
1010 Vienna