Sophie Hirsch / Kunstraum Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

Sophie Hirsch: ‘Chair #14’, 2024, HATHOS, Vienna Collectors Club, Vienna, Photo, © the artist/Bildrecht Vienna 2024, courtesy of the artist/Galleria Doris Ghetta/Zeller van Almsick.

14.03.2025 – 09.06.2025

Austrian artist Sophie Hirsch develops a sculptural formal language in which the reciprocal influence of physique and psyche is central and can be experienced very directly. She installs the sensual as a means of experience and knowledge formation. For example, Hirsch builds chair objects with commercially available haemorrhoid cushions and massage balls, sofas made from fascia rolls or couches covered with acupressure mats. The installative arrangements of the hybrid objects in the exhibition space are irritating, because everything is familiar and yet nothing seems as expected. It is not about abstraction, but about meaningful connections that are usable. The objects do not conceal the fact that they will cause physical pain when used, and the initial resistance to voluntarily exposing oneself to this is correspondingly physical. But there is an idealistic promise inherent in them: we will feel better afterwards. Sophie Hirsch is developing a new large-format and site-specific installation for the historic assembly hall of the Kunstraum Dornbirn.

Sophie Hirsch
14.03.2025 – 09.06.2025
Kunstraum Dornbirn
Jahngasse 9
6850 Dornbirn