About tourism – An exhibition of the AzW / VHS Kulturgarage, Vienna

© AzW

07.02.2025 – 02.03.2025

Tourist hotspots are suffering from the onslaught of visitors, while other places are being left behind. Communities are divided: On the one hand, they benefit from tourism, but on the other, they are increasingly noticing undesirable side effects. And considering that tourism is more dependent on the climate than other sectors of the economy, it is astonishing that climate change is often still a marginal issue here of all places. Using vivid illustrations, examples and data, the exhibition shows, among other things, the interplay between tourism and economic growth, rising CO₂ emissions and the displacement of the local population due to escalating housing and living costs – even since tourist accommodation has increasingly become investment properties. The exhibition – curated by Karoline Mayer & Katharina Ritter from the AzW – sheds light on key aspects of tourism such as mobility, urban tourism, interactions with agriculture, climate change, the privatisation of natural beauty and the transformation of accommodation typologies, and explores the question whether and how tourism development is planned. Above all, however, the exhibition looks for potential for transformation. Many travellers are reluctant to see themselves as part of the mass tourism phenomenon, and doubts about the climate compatibility of our travel behaviour are becoming ever louder.

About tourism – An exhibition of the AzW
07.02.2025 – 02.03.2025
VHS Kulturgarage
Am-Ostrom-Park 18
1220 Vienna