06.02.2025 – 28.03.2025
Since the BHP was first awarded in 1967, the projects nominated and honoured over the past six decades have provided an overview of architectural creation in Austria. The – often passionate – search for qualities in architecture, open space design and urban planning solutions is the same, the forms of expression are different. They reflect the influences of the changing framework conditions of the planners. The special commitment, courage and creativity of the clients who commissioned these buildings is clear. A total of 119 projects were submitted in 2024. All properties were viewed on site in the federal states by nomination juries whose members do not come from the same federal state in which they work as jurors. In the course of the visits, the nomination juries nominated a total of 23 projects, which were also visited on site by the main jury. This main jury decided on seven award winners. On 21 March 2025, there will also be the opportunity to visit the BHP’24 nominated projects in Styria on a bus excursion.
06.02.2025 – 28.03.2025
HDA – Haus der Architektur
Mariahilferstraße 2
8020 Graz
28.09.2024 – 19.01.2025