05.12.2024 – 20.04.2025
For centuries, Vienna has been a place where languages and traditions, genders, cultures and utopias have been negotiated and mixed. Away from the clichés of the peaceful capital of a multi-ethnic empire, whose composition can still be read from the telephone directory today, ‘Mixed’ follows new paths. 48 stories tell of the city’s diversity from unusual perspectives: from the Chinese restaurants of the interwar period, to the Congregation of Monks, which made Vienna a centre of Armenian language research, or the protests of politically committed African students in the 1960s. And of their opponents, of the proponents of the ‘German city of Vienna’ in the 19th century, the masterminds of National Socialism and the populist press discourses of the recent past. Words, places, bodies, fashions – how does diversity manifest itself, where in the city does it take up space, when does it lead to conflict? These are stories about the pressure to assimilate, the tight corset of ‘identity’, but also about resistance and resilience in the face of marginalisation and persecution. Each story stands on its own, their totality creates a panorama of diversity as the motor of the modern metropolis.
Mixed – Various stories
05.12.2024 – 20.04.2025
Wien Museum
Karlsplatz 8
1040 Vienna