until 21.12.2024
A model for Hofer’s concepts is the group of works developed since 2011, the positive/negative exposures, in which, in a purely analogue process, a positive and a negative image of the same motif – twisted, shifted and mirrored in relation to each other – are exposed to each other. The most prominent material properties of inversion and transparency are thus used to superimpose the image with a negation of itself, whereby the aspect of conditionality strongly characterises the works: Every form defining the image is necessarily present as both light and dark. The exhibition Material and Method at Galerie Marenzi will include not only these, in part large-format positive/negative exposures, but also spacefold photo sculptures (UV direct printing on aluminium), text sculptures (text net works made of permanently elastic silicone casting) and various wall objects (acrylic on aluminium).
HERBERT HOFER – ‘Material and Method’
until 21.12.2024
Galerie Marenzi
Bahnhofstraße 14
8430 Leibnitz