paper positions vienna / Kursalon Wien

© Birgit Graschopf, Federleicht, Fotografie auf Aquarellpapier, 56 x 85 cm, courtesy Galerie Rudolf Leeb

21.11.2024 – 24.11.2024

In the course of the first paper positions vienna in the historic Kursalon Vienna, selected international galleries present contemporary and modern artistic works made of and on paper. The medium, which takes centre stage, offers a broad spectrum of possibilities, particularly when it comes to artistic processing: The artists sew structures into the paper, draw fine pencil lines, print on it, scalp it, form sculptures, tear it up, collage it, photograph it, deconstruct it, reconstruct it, get to the bottom of hidden structures down to the fibres. Visitors to paper positions vienna are offered an overview of the special nature of paper as a medium. The paper positions are characterised by the idea of an art salon in the form of an exhibition: The absence of traditional booths creates the atmosphere of a large, bright and airy group exhibition. This provides the opportunity to perceive, discover and rediscover the artistic positions in dialogue and to exchange ideas directly about what has been seen. The Viennese galleries Rudolf Leeb, Michaela Stock, Galerie Krinzinger, Galerie nächst St. Stephan, City Galerie and Galerie Sturm & Schober as well as Brita Prinz Arte (Madrid), Taubert Contemporary (Berlin), X Vitamin (Belgrade), MAKSLAXO (Riga) and Elektrohalle Rhomberg from Salzburg are among those taking part in the exhibition.

paper positions vienna
21.11.2024 – 24.11.2024
Kursalon Wien
Johannesgasse 33
1030 Vienna