Monster Chetwynd – Moths, Bats and Velvet Worms! / Belvedere 21, Vienna

© Monster Chetwynd. Courtesy the Artist and Sadie Coles HQ, London. Foto: Norbert Miguletz / Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt

07.11.2024 – 09.02.2025

Monster Chetwynd’s first solo museum exhibition in Austria interweaves art, history(s), theory, craft and community into an expansive work developed specifically for the museum and activated and animated by performers. Chetwynd’s cross-genre practice, which includes film, collage, painting and installation, interweaves elements of folk theatre, pop culture and surrealist cinema. Chetwynd is known for anarchic bric-à-brac performances with handmade costumes, props and stage sets, using mostly simple materials that are easy to use and adapt. The collective creation process of the artwork takes centre stage. Chetwynd describes the artistic work as ‘impatiently made’, but draws on carefully researched, diverse cultural references ranging from Christine de Pizan to Silvia Federici.

Monster Chetwynd – Moths, Bats and Velvet Worms!
07.11.2024 – 09.02.2025
Belvedere 21
Arsensalstraße 1
1030 Vienna