RUDOLF WACKER – Magic and the abysses of reality / Leopold Museum, Vienna

RUDOLF WACKER, Selbstbildnis mit Rasierschaum, 1924 © Museum Ortner


Rudolf Wacker’s work was mainly created in Bregenz, at the westernmost end of the newly founded state of Austria in 1918. Over the past decades, Vorarlberg has honoured its most famous modernist artist in numerous exhibitions; the catalogue raisonné by Max Haller and the profound scholarly publications, especially by Rudolf Sagmeister, still form a groundbreaking basis today. His work itself focusses on the reality or presence of things in his immediate surroundings, on landscapes and backyards, on the female nude, on his own portrait in relentless repetition and on various found objects, which he constantly recomposed from his own collection. With numerous loans from private and institutional collections, the exhibition conveys a comprehensive picture of this multi-layered and complex oeuvre, supplemented by a selection of his rich oeuvre of drawings and selected reference works by Otto Dix, Franz Lenk and Anton Räderscheidt, among others.

RUDOLF WACKER – Magic and the abysses of reality
Leopold Museum
Museumquartier Wien
Museumplatz 1
1070 Vienna