‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’, Dornbirn, various locations

Festival zur Entwicklung der Zukunft 1 © Angela Lamprecht

11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024

In today’s world, it is more important than ever to deal with sustainability, resource conservation, etc. As part of Creative Week Austria, the Festival for the Development of the Future is being organised for the third time – this year with a focus on ‘conversion’. For ten days, FEZ 24 will turn the halls into a stage and mediation platform. This year’s theme of remodelling has two main focuses: on the one hand, it provides an insight into the spatial remodelling of the CampusVäre and shows all construction steps to the public – in keeping with the motto ‘Open due to remodelling’. At the same time, the focus is on the social reorganisation that is currently taking place and has already taken place, on the dynamic changes from an industrial society to a knowledge society. The title conversion thus also stands for the adaptability of spaces and people to new circumstances. Exhibitions, lectures, workshops and ramp discussions show how changes (‘remodelling’) take place and how systems react to them. Year after year, FEZ shows that it is up to all of us to actively shape the future. It provides impulses for action, tips for practical implementation, innovation and courage. ‘We invite you to discover the transformative power of ideas and innovations alongside the physical remodelling of Hall 4. Together, we will explore how the existing can be remodelled to create a sustainable, fair and good future,’ says Theresa Bubik, project manager of the FEZ.

‘FEZ‘24 – Festival for the development of the future’
11.10.2024 – 20.10.2024
Dornbirn, various locations