Hermann Nitsch – Drawings / BRUSEUM – Neue Galerie, Graz

Hermann Nitsch, Architekturzeichnung, 1974 Privatsammlung, Foto: Privat

25.10.2024 – 23.02.2025

With the drawings by Hermann Nitsch, the exhibition presents an aspect of his work that has often not received the attention it deserves in view of the opulence of his actions and the dimensions of his ‘Schüttbilder’. Even before Nitsch began working on the ideas for his Orgien-Mysterien-Theater in 1957, he was already exploring the themes of suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection in his drawings. Nitsch’s entire oeuvre is understood as a descent into the depths, and so it is not surprising that his drawings from the 1960s onwards depict fantastic, subterranean architectural structures, architectural formations that figuratively reproduce or refer to entire bodies and which reveal both his all-encompassing thinking and his precise graphic handwriting. Nitsch fuses the ‘natural event of man’ with proliferating architecture in his drawings, often adapting Christian iconography in the process.

Hermann Nitsch – Drawings
25.10.2024 – 23.02.2025
Neue Galerie Graz
Joanneumsviertel, Access Kalchberggasse
8010 Graz