Sophie Thun / Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg

Sophie Thun, Untitled, 2018–2021, 103 chromogene Abzüge und Farbfotogramme, Fotogramme auf Barytpapier, verzinkte Stahlplatten, Magnete, Sammlung Museum der Moderne Salzburg – Ankauf aus Mitteln der Galerienförderung des Bundes

04.10.2024 — 23.02.2025

Sophie Thun’s photographic work resembles a stream of images of places and spaces in which the artist has worked and exhibited. She is always present in the image as the author of her analogue photographs: sometimes she looks confidently into the camera with the shutter release in her hand, sometimes she is represented by her photographic equipment. Thun always uses her body as an instrument to question established depictions of (female) representation. Using methods such as cutting, splitting and multiplying, she depicts identity as a process and as changeable. Her impressive spatial installations play with our perception of reality and representation. The exhibition curated by Marijana Schneider at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg is Thun’s first solo museum exhibition.

Sophie Thun
04.10.2024 – 23.02.2025
Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum
Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg