ART OF PUNK / Francisco Carolinum Linz

ART OF PUNK © ooelkg

04.09.2024 – 26.01.2025

ART OF PUNK is the world’s first museum exhibition of artists from the CryptoPunk community; a unique insight into the creative dynamics of a community operating at the intersection of art and technology. Traditional art forms such as painting and sculpture are presented alongside digital works such as AI art, NFTs and generative art as well as on-chain art, poetry and music. Only works by artists who own one or more CryptoPunks will be exhibited. A remarkable community has formed around these unique blockchain collectibles, which is perhaps even somewhat responsible for the cult status of the CryptoPunks themselves. From numerous submissions, a selection was made that shows a representative cross-section of the work of this community. Names such as Kevin Abosch, Beeple, Rainer Hosch, Deekay, Gordon Berger, Tom Sachs, Claire Silver, Sarah Ridgley, Cryptowiener, Coldie, 0xDeafbeef and many more are represented. ART OF PUNK takes place both at the museum in Linz, curated by Julia Staudach, and at Metaverse Voxels.

04.09.2024 – 26.01.2025
Francisco Carolinum Linz
Museumsstraße 14
4020 Linz