04.09.2024 – 08.09.2024
‘HOPE – who will turn the tide’ is the title of Ars Electronica 2024, and the Linz festival for art, technology and society will put artists, researchers, developers, activists and entrepreneurs from all over the world centre stage like never before. The main location will once again be POSTCITY, which is destined for demolition and will thus mutate into a hotspot for the international media art scene for the seventh time.
The pre-opening walk on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 marks the traditional start of the festival week.
The opening day on 4 September 2024 is not only the first day of the festival, but would also be the 200th birthday of the Upper Austrian composer and organist Anton Bruckner. Reason enough to organize this year’s festival opening in the Mariendom, where a team of artists, organists, computer scientists and physicists will not only perform Bruckner’s ‘Perger Präludium’, but also have it conducted by entangled photons. What do they need for this? The cathedral organs on the one hand, and an experimental high-tech laboratory consisting of lasers, mirrors, polarisers and non-linear crystals on the other.
Ars Electronica 2024
04.09.2024 – 08.09.2024
Linz, various locations