PARSA KHALILI | Constructions / Bildraum 07, Vienna

PARSA KHALILI Foto: 16:9 Square, 2020, Polylactic Acid, Acrylic on MDF, 44cm x 44cm | © Bildrecht, Wien 2024

21.08.2024 – 18.09.2024

The Iranian-born architect and artist Parsa Khalili experiments with the perception of surface effects, formal transformations and spatial ambiguities in the disciplines of drawing, painting, object art and architecture.
Khalili’s current series Constructions is the result of a rigorous process of layering lines and surfaces. In the exhibition at Bildraum 07, chromatic orders overlap with patterns whose iterations suggest static depths. In addition, the artist combines subtle shifts in the compositions with abrupt transitions, while shifts in perspective and a rich colour palette further enliven his works.
In Constructions, Parsa Khalili plays with multidimensionality and imbalances. The result is a series of didactic and formal configurations that create an illusion of space and harbour uncertainty. It is a restless, exploratory body of work that seeks space within the boundaries of painting in both production and reception.

PARSA KHALILI | Constructions
21.08.2024 – 18.09.2024
Bildraum 07
Burggasse 7-9
Vienna 7