06.07.024 – 03.11.2024
We live in fast-moving times – and the world is getting faster and faster; it is moving towards an absolute monopolisation of global digital players with incredible speed. The gold – data. The result: total control, a needs-creation machine calculated by algorithms, and the loss of all privacy.
Trust is the basic nourishment, we as users can take responsibility, promises should be kept, and we feel anger and powerlessness because of the permanent abuse of our trust.
With art objects, interactive installations, objects from the museum’s collection, workshops, performances, artist talks and lectures, the exhibition curated by Elisabeth Schimana takes a look behind the surface of these concepts and provides instructions on digital self-defence in the accompanying handbook.
DIGIDIC – Call for digital self-defence
06.07.024 – 03.11.2024
Volkskundemuseum am Paulustor