Linda Berger – The Beginning Of Something / Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Salzburg

Star Fitness, 2024 ink on canvas 80 x 60 cm © Linda Berger

31.05.2024 – 29.06.2024

Starting from the smallest graphic gesture – a simple stroke – the Vienna-based artist creates impressive worlds. In meticulous repetition, none of these strokes ever remains alone. Like a colourful accumulation of individuals, they vary in strength and direction, overlap and combine to form agglomerations, formative centres. In the combination of individuals, they thus construct themselves into a large whole.
The chains of associations triggered are manifold: intoxicating floods, stars clustered into galaxies, cosmic dust, mountain ranges seen from a bird’s eye view and horizons bathed in mist. In her working method, the artist tenderly yet firmly counters a possible shyness towards emptiness by layering and accumulating strokes. She responds to the aesthetic challenge of the white canvas through productive diversity.

Linda Berger – The Beginning Of Something
31.05.2024 – 29.06.2024
Elektrohalle Rhomberg
Samergasse 28b
5020 Salzburg