16.05.2024 – 02.02.2025
City park, botanical garden, mill race, cemetery – habitats are diverse and everywhere, even in urban areas. Cities are home and refuge for a multitude of creatures.
They find the prerequisites for their survival, such as protection and food, in the urban environment. However, green infrastructures and intact urban micro-ecosystems are losing space with the densification of cities.
In this context, Habitat Graz – an exhibition as part of the annual theme “City Nature” – is dedicated to Graz’s urban ecologies: The perception that the city and each*one of us is part of the interwoven and complex biosphere seems just as necessary as taking responsibility for the earth as a habitat for all: a question of justice between species and collective survival.
Between art and urbanism, science and storytelling, the exhibition curated by Daniela Brasil invites us human inhabitants to learn more about our non-human neighbours and their urban habitats.
Habitat Graz
16.05.2024 – 02.02.2025
Graz Museum
Sackstraße 18
8010 Graz