13.06.2024 – 15.09.2024
To mark the 60th anniversary of the city partnership between Graz and Groningen, the HDA has invited the local architecture and urban planning firm De Zwarte Hond, which has played a key role in shaping Groningen’s urban planning, to present their city to the people of Graz. With the exhibition “Courageous city, courageous decisions – How Groningen transformed itself into a model city”, the office provides insights into the transformation of the Dutch city in recent decades and encourages a lively exchange about challenges and the future development of the twin cities.
Following an overview of the historical development of Groningen, the exhibition installation presents examples of three of the most important directional decisions and their implementation in various phases of urban development planning.
The exhibition aims to inspire citizens and experts alike and invite them to engage in a discourse on the topic of the city and its future, to present its public and political dimensions and to promote the relationship and exchange between its inhabitants.
Courageous city, courageous decisions – How Groningen transformed itself into a model city
HDA – Haus der Architektur
13.06.2024 – 15.09.2024