24.04.2024 – 08.05.2024
The exhibition “Žensko ime odpora – The Female Name of the Resistance”, commemorates the women in the Nazi resistance. In March 1943, in the middle of the Second World War, the Slovenian Anti-Fascist Women’s Front (Antifašistična fronta žena) was formed in Eisenkappel / Železna Kapla, also in Carinthia. On this occasion, the curators Helena Verdel, Vida Obid, Elisabeth Rausch and Elisabeth Holzinger were commissioned by the WerkStattMuseum history initiative to design an exhibition about the resistance of Carinthian Slovenian women and combined it with examples of Nazi resistance by women from all over Austria.
The sound work Up/or takes historical sound recordings of the Koroški partizanski pevski zbor (Carinthian Partisan Choir) as a starting point for a de- and recontextualisation of the political audio material.
Žensko ime odpora – The Female Name of Resistance
24.04.2024 – 08.05.2024
Stadtpark 1
8010 Graz