Gernot Riedmann – Pedigrees on a journey / vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

Foto: (c) Petra Rainer

27.04.2024 – 30.06.2024

Gernot Riedmann has been working on his extensive “ancestor cycle” since the 1990s. Using a small chainsaw, he cuts motifs into wooden panels and sends these “designs” to artists he has met in Vorarlberg and on his many travels: to indigenous artists from the Amazon region, African, Tibetan and Chinese artists as well as to Vorarlberg artists such as Gottfried Bechtold, Tone Fink and Uta Belina Waeger. They interpret and rework these panels without any guidelines. Over 65 works are now part of Riedmann’s global social sculpture, which proclaims the boundlessness of art on the walls of the atrium. A catalogue will be published to accompany the exhibition.

Gernot Riedmann – Pedigrees on a journey
27.04.2024 – 30.06.2024
vorarlberg museum
Kornmarktplatz 1, Bregenz