25.04.2024 – 01.09.2024
“Breadless” – a term that should be history in this day and age, but unfortunately it is still around. A strong association is with people who, despite regular work, do not receive a corresponding wage – who regularly run out of basic foodstuffs despite being gainfully employed. The group exhibition “Breadless. Life without security” takes a critical look at common prejudices against people in such precarious living conditions.
The invited artists want to stimulate a broad discussion about the social conditions of wage labour. The film “Carenomadinnen” by Katarína Csányiová deals with the topic in an exemplary way. The artist sensitively tells of the everyday lives of Slovakian carers, who not only commute 880 kilometres to their workplace in Innsbruck every month, but are also confronted with unacceptable working conditions. Csányiová is one of several artistic positions in the exhibition curated by Anežka Jabůrková and Miljana Mirović, which deals with the dark sides of the globalized labour market.
Breadless – Life without security
25.04.2024 – 01.09.2024
Wien Museum MUSA
Felderstraße 6-8
1010 Vienna