SPUREN. SLEDI / Parliament, Vienna

Copyright © 2024, Marko Lipuš

22.02.2024 – 29.02.2024

The Second World War is one of the darkest chapters in history, in which there were countless victims.
SPUREN. SLEDI is an art, music and literature project that reflects on the deportation of Carinthian Slovenes during the Second World War, which reached its climax on 14/15 April 1942, when over 1,000 people were driven from their homes. The artists Verena Gotthardt, Katarina Hartmann, Michael Kristof-Kranzelbinder, Gabriel and Marko Lipuš, Tanja Prušnik and Karl Vouk are descendants of the once displaced persons and also thematise their own family histories in their works. The setting of the poetry cycle “Leere Bahnsteige / Prazni peroni” by Fabjan Hafner, a reading from the letters of the deportees and a paradoxical intervention in which NSDAP flags are provided with new pictorial elements – in the background of the flags a quote about the “mercy of the shot in the neck” (Florjan Lipuš, Schotter) – are contributions to the culture of remembrance by means of art.
As part of the overall project conceived by Karl Vouk, 1942 Expulsion. Pregon, the group exhibition SPUREN. SLEDI takes place in the Columned Hall of the Austrian Parliament.

22.02.2024 – 29.02.2024
Austrian Parliament in Vienna
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3
1017 Vienna