31.01.2024 – 01.09.2024
No one is an island: suffering and hardship can affect anyone and make them dependent on others. Who cares for whom and when, and who is excluded from care? Based on the Jewish commandments of “Tikun Olam” (heal the world) and “Zedaka” (charity), the exhibition, curated by Caitlin Gura and Marcus G. Patka, takes a tour of Vienna on the trail of medical, psychological and social assistance and the people behind it. Research by Viennese Jewish doctors is reflected upon, as is the history of mothers, midwives, nurses and social care workers. The Nazi regime destroyed long-established structures, yet care work continued to be carried out. Currently, the question of care and compassion arises in the face of war, terror and climate catastrophe. More than ever, human empathy and solidarity remain indispensable for peaceful coexistence.
Who Cares? Jewish responses to suffering and hardship
31.01.2024 – 01.09.2024
Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna
Dorotheergasse 11
1010 Vienna