Räume öffnen! Die Sammlungen / Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

© 2022 Museum der Moderne Salzburg Marjetica Potrc, Rural Studio: The Butterfly House, 2002, Installation, „Modell“ des Hauses, Holz, Wellblech, Verkehrsschilder, Moskitonetz, 400 x 560 x 720 cm, Produktion: Generali Foundation 2002, Sammlung Generali Foundation – Dauerleihgabe am Museum der Moderne Salzburg, © Sammlung Generali Foundation – Dauerleihgabe am Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Foto Werner Kaligofsky / Bildrecht, Wien 2023

02.02.2024 – 09.10.2024

Twenty years ago, the Mönchsberg site was opened and became a new landmark for the province and city of Salzburg. Ten years ago, one of Austria’s most important private art collections with an international focus, the Generali Foundation Collection, came to Salzburg on permanent loan and has been a productive player at the museum ever since.
The cross-temporal and cross-media exhibition series is dedicated to these questions and is based on two basic motifs: space as a social structure and play as a metaphor for social interaction. While social space is understood as the coexistence and togetherness of people – also in relation to nature – purpose-free, enjoyable play is seen as a method of learning the rules and systems of our reality, but also of thwarting and changing them. Bringing the collections together from this perspective enables a comprehensive view of homo ludens and homo socialis, of the human being who experiences and shapes the world as a playful and social being.

Räume öffnen! Die Sammlungen
02.02.2024 – 09.10.2024
Museum der Moderne
Mönchsberg 32
5020 Salzburg