Your voice at open windows / Villa Claudia, Feldkirch

(c) Gernot Bösch, 140 x 100cm,

19.01.2024 – 11.02.2024

The relationship between two people is the smallest unit of society. In a relationship, we keep our mental/spiritual and physical windows open in order to hear the other voice at all.
By “voice” we mean any expression of a person. The works of Gabriele and Gernot Bösch on the themes of language, transience, physicality, affection and abundance are presented and exhibited in five rooms of the Villa Claudia.

Your voice at open windows – Gabriele + Gernot Bösch
19.01.2024 – 11.02.2024
Forum für aktuelle Kunst, Villa Claudia
Bahnhofstraße 6
6800 Feldkirch