STARS, FEATHERS, TASSELS – Felice Rix-Ueno / MAK, Vienna

Felice Rix-Ueno Foto: Anonym, um 1925 © MAK

22.11.2023 – 21.04.2024

“Lizzi”, as she called herself, established herself as one of the most remarkable artists of the Wiener Werkstätte (WW) with her highly poetic, independent style. She created hundreds of design drawings for the WW, primarily for fabric patterns, but also for wallpaper, embroidery, enamel work, fashion and home accessories, toys and commercial art. In her second home country, Japan, she succeeded as a university professor and founder of her own design institute. The MAK is dedicating the first solo exhibition outside of Japan to this unique designer, whose 130th birthday is being celebrated this year, in the exhibition STARS, FEATURES, QUASTS. The WienerWerkstätte artist Felice Rix-Ueno (1893-1967) is presenting a broad cross-section of her oeuvre with around 200 objects.

22.11.2023 – 21.04.2024
Vienna, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts