Nedko Solakov – A Cornered Solo Show #3 / Upper Belvedere, Vienna

(c) Courtesy the artist and Georg Kargl Fine Arts Photo Dimitar Solakov / Belvedere, Vienna

24.11.2023 – 19.06.2024

It is not the prestigious exhibition rooms of the Upper Belvedere where the artistic intervention A Cornered Solo Show #3 by Bulgarian artist Nedko Solakov can be seen. Quite the opposite: it unfolds in an inconspicuous corner of the museum cloakroom. Here, in this intermediate place of arrival and departure, Solakov confronts visitors with the themes of his art and involves them in a witty way in an inner dialogue with his artistic consciousness.
Solakov writes about his intention: “I would like to organise a huge solo exhibition in one of the Belvedere’s magnificent halls. One day it might really happen, so why shouldn’t I think about what the exhibition should look like in advance? The public at this extremely popular museum is demanding. How to prepare myself? So I decided to record my thoughts and objections, my questions and answers on extremely spontaneous cut-outs made from primed canvas, which has been lying rolled up in the corner of my studio for ten years.”

Nedko Solakov – A Cornered Solo Show #3
24.11.2023 – 19.06.2024
Belvedere Vienna
Upper Belvedere
Prinz Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Vienna